
#7: Amethyst Necklace

Okay, Natalie here.Before starting the chapter, I am here to say SORRY because we had stopped posting for almost... erm , just a long time. I don't know the exact time either... Well, I don't think anyone is REALLY following us..HAHA. The followers are actually our ourselves. We stopped posting because of one problem, NO ONE wants to continue!(To JEmembers: Don't give me excuses like busy or don't know how to continue!! Hey, this chapter shouldn't be me continuing,KAY? )

  "Hey Nat, what are you daydreaming about?" An annoying voice spoke.
  Natalie's friends had walked 10 steps away, Trick turned his back and asked. The others followed.
  "None of your business." Natalie rolled my eyes.
  Natalie quickened my foot steps to my friends, not letting them have a chance to leave her alone by accidentally or purposely.
  The journey seemed to become shorter than before.
  It was the necklace which shone and saved them. This time, the necklace was leading them to the exit without letting them noticing. But, Nat realized this. This couldn't be stopped since she was wearing the necklace.
  Why would necklace shine? We could exit this prison so successfully, because of this necklace? Natalie thought.
   "Amethyst." Natalie spoke out. Her friends looked at her suspiciously.
   The next second, the amethyst necklace twinkled.
   This necklace is something! Natalie concluded. She let out a smile as she saw her friends staring at her necklace at amazement.

continued by Tabitha
  "So, are we going home now?" Trick yawned.
  "Oh yeah? Coward fox?" Some creature snickered.
  "I don't see why not. We've encountered enough danger, all thanks to you!" Jen snapped.
  "Yeah well..." he didn't get to continue. All of a sudden Jen perked up.
  "Something's wrong." Tabitha whispered. Jen, Natalie and Trick nodded. Everyone's eyes focused on Natalie's necklace. It glowed in a strange creepy way, as if there was something it hated very near. It began to pulse.
  "A sign of danger." Natalie's voice was hoarse.
  "Blood." A voice rang out, out of nowhere. "Blood." Something was there, just turn the corner... Something not even the necklace have the ability to fight, no.

<to be continued.>

by Natalie and Tabitha

