
Special: Caves of Death Chapter2

Caves of Death
Chapter 2
  "Who's that?" The mysterious man asked again. Another torch was seen in dark, it was his.
  Their eyes met.
  The mysterious man seemed surprise, no one would not be surprised to see four person teamed with so many pets along.
  Meanwhile, Tony seemed like he freaked out. Or maybe freaked out in JOY?
  "Nathaniel!"Tony ran and hugged the mysterious man.
  He was Nathaniel? Don't care, after all we can finally get out of here.Nat thought.
  Surely, Nathaniel was shocked. Every one would when a stranger came hugging you and calling you by your name.
  "Tony?"Nathaniel guessed.
  "Yes! I can't believe that you are still alive!" Tony was so happy until he looked like he was going to burst into tears.
  "Touching,but lame." commented Tha. No good words would came out from Tha if it's for Tony. It couldn't be blamed since they were enemies since they were seven.
  "Kay, Tony. You've found your friend,and now can we leave this caves now?" Jen asked.
  "Sure thing!" Tony answered.
  "No,you can't. I've tried to leave here too." Nathaniel stopped them.
  "Why?" Since there was an entrance,there must be an exit too.Natalie thought.
  "Because......"Before Nathaniel could finish his answer, a gigantic bat flew past us and took Nathaniel with it!
  "Ahh!!"Jen screamed.
  The bat was way bigger than any bats we seen in our entire life--- it was bigger than any bats in that heap.
  "Nathaniel!!"Tony called for him. The person he found a minute ago dissapeared a minute later.How pity.
  If curiosity kills the cat, whereas only satisfaction can bring it back. Tony wasn't satisfied for just finding his childhood friend for a blink of eye only.


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