
Special: Caves of the Death #3

  "Follow them!" Tony 'ordered' in a strong voice that was never been heard in him before,"It's just a huge bat!" Unusually, Tha didn't make any objections. It was very rare of her to agree with Tony's decisions, but this was not the important case that time.
  We followed Nathaniel Alden. The bat was flying quite slow as if taunting us to go nearer.However, the girls and Tony and of course their pets as well  kept a distance from Nathaniel Alden and the bat. The girls, Tony and their pets followed as silently as they could, not wanting them to know they were followed.
  The wierdest was Nathaniel seemed comfortable to be carried. Perhaps, it was just their imaginations.
  They led us deeper and deeper into darken and darker caves. At last, they reached a dead end.
  We'd conered them finally. Tha thought.
  Suddenly, the bat with Nathenial Alden, disappeared! In front of their very own eyes! It was hard to believe! Natalie and Jen gasped in horror.
  No way! I'm going to check it out. Tony was not going to give up that easily.
  Tony walked to the place where they disappeared.  The girls followed behind. They checked every piece of rock and every square root of the floor. There must be a secret door, tunnel or even some magical transport! However, nothing strange was to be found under every piece of stone and every square root of the ground.
  Jen even tried:" Open! Sesame door!"
  Nothing happened in the exception for the long echoes of door.
  Tha and Nat laughed very hard. Natalie laughed until her stomach ached, she used the wall of the caves for some surpport.  She stopped laughing. Her stomach stopped aching. She walked back a few steps from the wall.  
  "Look! "Nat exclaimed.
  Her face was white. Her voice was wierd. But perhaps it was just because her tremendous laughing.
  The others glanced towards where Nat was pointing. In the dark, there was something brownish-red glowing on the wall. It was ancient cave drawings. The drawings could be easily understood by anyone.
  The first drawing style signals a group of men, tied to each other. Above, there drew a man sitting on a flying object with huge wings. The others were blurred, but there was a skull with two crossing bones drew very clearly.
  It was the signal of death.
  Velvet and Viron, cats of Tha and Nat meowed terrifically in a sudden.
  Below where they meowed, lay a pile of yellowed bones and hair.


 Nat here! Sorry for not posting for so long. Gosh, Jewel Elements were so lazy ha! By the way, Happy 12-12-12! Don't miss the next chap.

